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Donald Maass, Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Maat: a goddess see: "Goddess" in THEOLOGY Mabinogion: the central body of myths and legends of Britain in the Welsh language, see WALES, mostly found in: * The White Book of Rhydderch [circa 1300-1350] * The Red Book of Hergest [circa 1400-13450] * The Mabinogion [1838-1849] first English translation by Lady Charlotte Guest * The Mabinogion [1948; revised 1974; revised 1982] definitive translation by Gwyn Jones and Thomas Jones (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, pp.600-601) see: "Celtic" in THEOLOGY J. Cecil Maby, novel "By Stygian Waters" (London: Houghton, 1933) Macabre: see MAGAZINES C. C. MacApp, pseudonym of Carroll M. Capps C. C. MacApp * Bumsider [Lancer, 1972] * Omha Abides [Paperback Library, 1968] * Prisoners of the Sky [Lancer, 1969] * Recall Not Earth [Dell, 1970] * Secret of the Sunless World [Dell, 1969] as Carroll M. Capps * Subb [Paperback Library, 1971] * Worlds of the Wall [Avon, 1969] * others {to be done} Dorothy Macardle (1889-?) English/Irish broadcaster/journalist/drama critic/author, jailed as part of Irish national movement, wrote plays for the Abbey Thatre and worked with W. B. Yeats, George Russell, and James Stephens and others in the Irish Literary Renaissance. Novels include: "Dark Enchantment" (New York: Doubleday, 1953) "Fantastic Summer" a.k.a. "The Unforseen" (New York: Doubleday, 1946) "Uneasy Freehold" a.k.a. "The Univited" (New York: Doubleday, 1942) Charles Raymond MacAuley (1871-1934): * Emblemland [1902] co-author John Kendrick Bangs R. A. Macavoy, full name Roberta Ann Macavoy (1949-): Fantasy/Science Fiction author: * Tea With the Black Dragon [1983] contemporary Fantasy, includes dragon, immortality, mystery, taoism, and computers * Twisting the Rope [1986] Fantasy * The Book of Kells [1985] Celtic TIME TRAVEL * The Grey Horse [1987] Fantasy/Romance * The Third Eagle [1989] Science Fiction, Native American * the "Trio for Lute" or "Damiano Delstrego" Fantasy series: * Damiano [1983] * Damiano's Lute [1984] * Raphael [1984] * A Trio for Lute [1986] omnibus edition * the "Lens of the World" Fantasy series: * Lens of the World [1990] * King of the Dead [1991] * Winter of the Wolf [1993; as "The Belly of the Wolf", 1994] Bonnie MacBird: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Bonnie MacBird Frank Macchia: Member of Horror Writers of America Frank Macchia Colum MacConnell: * Tark and the Golden Tide [Leisure, 1977] Angus MacDonald: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Angus MacDonald Short Fiction: * "Dead Language" [Midnight Zoo, vol.3, no.7, 1993] * "In Transit" [Tomorrow Speculative Fiction, April 1996] * "The Edge of the Bed of Forever" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, August 1997] e-mail Angus MacDonald George MacDonald (1824-1905): poet, novelist, minister, and lecturer of SCOTLAND * Phantastes, a Faerie Romance for Men and Women [1858] * Adela Cathcart [1864] story collection in novel frame-story * At the Back of the North Wind [1871] Children's Fantasy * The Princess and the Goblin [1872] Children's Fantasy adapted into animated film [1992] {hotlink to be done} * The Princess and Curdie [1883] Children's Fantasy * Lilith [1895] Adult Fantasy * many collections of fantasy stories * many nonfiction books (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, pp.604-605) Golden MacDonald: pseudonym of Margaret Wise Brown (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, pp.604-605) James D. MacDonald, full name James Douglas MacDonald (1954-): co-author with Wife Debra Doyle of: Mageworlds (5 books in series as of June 1998) James D. Macdonald James D. MacDonald J. D. "Jim" MacDonald: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Jim e-mail J. D. "Jim" MacDonald Andrew MacDuff, pseudonym of Horace B. Fyfe Gwendolyn MacEwen (1941-1987): Fantasist of CANADA Patricia H. MacEwen: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Short Fiction: * "The Cuckoo Bird" [Midnight Zoo, Mar/Apr 1991] * "Where the Shadows Rise and Fall" [Full Spectrum 5, Bantam Spectra, 1995] * "The Macklin Gift" [Fantasy & Science Fiction, June 1997] Nonfiction: * "Sex and the Single E.T. Part IV. Gender Benders" [Midnight Zoo, vol.1, no.6 1991] * "Sex and the Single E.T. Part II. Cephalopod" * "Sex: An Alien Building Exercise" [Midnight Zoo, January 1991] * "Sex & the Single E.T. Part III. The Awful Aftermath!!!" [Midnight Zoo, May/June 1991] * "Renewable Resources: Copper Mines & Oil Wells? Are You Kidding?" [Midnight Zoo, March/April 1991] * "Sex and the Single E.T.: Part VI: Palaeo-Sex: How the Dinosaurs Did It!" [Midnight Zoo, vol.2, no.3 1992] * "Sex and the Single E.T.: Part V: Hitting the Big Time!" [Midnight Zoo, vol.2, no.2, 1992] e-mail Patricia H. MacEwen Haldane MacFall (1860-1928): British author: * Rouge, Brown [1906] co-author Dion Calthrop, Fantasy story collection Stepehn MacFarlane: pseudonym of John Keir Cross (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.605) Dan MacGirt (1967-): Comic Fantasy author: * the "Jason Cosmo" series: * Jason Cosmo [1989] * Royal Chaos [1990] * Dirty Work [1993] (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.605) Ellen MacGregor (1906-1954) American juvenile SF novelist of the "Miss Pickerell" series (4 titles with New York: McGraw), 3 of them posthumous collaborations with S. F. Pantell. As a boy, I was mildly amused by the first of them, "Miss Pickerell Goes to Mars" (1951) James Murdock MacGregor (14 Feb 1925-?) SF author in Scotland, best known by pseudonym "J. T. McIntosh" and "J. T. M'Intosh", at least a dozen novels. I especially liked the time travel book "Snow White and the Giants" (If, Oct 1966; Avon, 1968). See also: * "The Broken Record" [New Worlds, Sep 1952] Arthur Machen, full name Arthur Llewelyn Machen (3 Mar 1863-15 Dec 1947): Arthur Machen Major weird author of WALES, predecessor to H. P. Lovecraft and his followers. 17+ novels and story collections, including: * The Three Imposters [Roberts Brothers, 1890; Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1972] * The Great God Pan [Fantasy House, 1974] According to S. T. Joshi, the bibliography includes: Novels: * The Chronicle of Clemendy [Privately Printed, 1888; New York: Knopf, 1926] * The Three Imposters [London: John Lane, 1895; Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1890] [London: Grant Richards, 1906] [New York: Knopf, 1923] [London: John Baker, 1964] [New York: Ballantine, 1972] * The Hill of Dreams (1904) [1907, London: Grant Richards] [1923, New York: Knopf] [1954, London: Richards Press] [1968, London: John Baker] [1986, New York: Dover] * A Fragment of Life (1904) [1906, London: Grant Richards] * A Secret Glory (1907) [1922, London: Martin Secker; New York: Knopf] * The Terror (1916) [1917, London: Duckworth] [1948, New York: Knopf] [1949, London: Richards Press] [1963, St. Albans: Panther] [1964, London: John Baker] [1965, New York: W. W. Norton] [1971, New York: Pinnacle] [1973, London: White Lion] [1983, New York: Pinnacle] * The Green Round (1933) [1933, London: Ernest Benn] [1968, Sauk City, Wis: Arkham House] Story Collections: * Eleusinia (1881) [1881, Hereford, Wales: Joseph Jones] [1988, West Warwick, R.I.: Necronomicon Press] * The Great God Pan and The Inmost Light (1894) [1894, London: John Lane; Boston: Roberts Brothers] [1913, London: Grant Richards] * The House of Souls (1906) [1906, London: Grant Richards] [1922, New York: Knopf] [1971, Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press] * The Bowmen and Other Legends of the War (1915) [1915, London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent; New York: Putnam's] [1972, Freeport N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press] * The Shining Pyramid (1923) [1925, London: Martin Secker; New York: Knopf] * Ornaments in Jade (1924) [1924, New York: Knopf] * The Glorious Mystery (1924) [1924] * The Cosy Room (1936) [1936, London: Rich & Cowan] [1976, New York: Arno Press] * The Children of the Pool (1936) [1936, London: Hutchinson] [1976, New York: Arno Press] * Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (1948) [1948, New York: Knopf] [1949, London: Richards Press] [1963, St. Albans: Panther] [1964, London: John Baker] [1971, New York: Pinnacle] [1983, New York: Pinnacle] Short Fiction includes: * "A Wonderful Woman" (1890) * "An Underground Adventure" (1890) * "The Lost Club" (1890) * "The Great God Pan" (1890) * "The Inmost Light" (1894) * "The Shining Pyramid" (1895) * "The Red Hand" (1895) * "Witchcraft" (1897) * "Torture" (1897) * "Psychology" (1897) * "Midsummer" (1897) * "The Idealist" (1897) * "The Ceremony" (1897) * "The White People" (1904) * "The Rose Garden" (1908) * "Nature" (1908) * "The Holy Things" (1908) and many more... F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America award-winning science fiction poet Fred MacIsaac (22 Mar 1886-5 May 1940) American Harvard-educated novelist * The Hothouse World [New York: Avalon, 1965] post-ice-age Scott Mackay: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America resident in Canada R. W. Mackelworth: * The Diabols [Paperback Library, 1969] * Starflight 3000 [Ballentine Books, 1972] * Tiltangle [Ballentine Books, 1940, 1970] Nancy J. Mackenroth: * The Trees of Zharka [Popular, 1975] Mary Mackey, full name Mary Lou McGuiness Mackey (1945-): Fantasy author Allan MacKinnon, "Summons from Baghdad" (New York: Crime Club, 1958) psi versus spy Alistair MacLean, bestselling British thriller author of, for instance, "Ice Station Zebra" (Howard Hughes' favorite film) {hotlink to be done} one SF thriller is "The Satan Bug" (with pseudonym "Ian Stuart") (London: Collins, 1962) Arthur MacLean, pseudonym of E. C. Tubb Katherine MacLean (22 Jan 1925-) American author with superb stories, some 8 collected in "The Diploids" [New York: Avon, 1962] {hotlink to be done} she told me (while sketching my portrait) that she was greatly influenced by General Systems Theory. Also author of: * Missing Man [Putnam, 1976; Science Fiction Book Club; Berkley] * Trouble With Treaties [Lanthorne, 1975] * Cosmic Checkmate (co-author C. DeVet) Dougal MacLeish, pseudonym of Donald James John Macklin, American journliat specializing in the supernatural Bernard MacLaren, "Day of Misjudgment" (London: Gollancz, 1956) the second coming, with a computer god Jack MacLaren, weird stories in "Stories of Fear" (London: Pendulum, 1947) John Maclay: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Katherine MacLean: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Archibald MacLeish (1892-1982): major American poet and playwright, often with Fantasy elements in his work, including: * The Pot of Earth [1925] death of Artemis * The Hamlet of A. MacLeish [1928] Hamlet's father returns * Nobodaddy [1926] radio play about Adam and Eve * The Fall of the City [1937] radio play produced by Orson Welles * J.B. [1958] famous play retelling the myth of Job, this work won Archibald MacLeish his 3rd Pulitzer Prize * Herakles [1967] mixes ancient and contemporary Fantasy * Scratch [1971] dramatization of Stephen Vincent Benet's "The Devil and Daniel Webster" (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.608) Roderick MacLeish (1926-): * Prince Ombra [1982] 1001 reincarnations of eternal champion in infinite battle against Dark Lord who was most recently reincarnated as Hitler (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.608) Angus MacLeod: * The Eighth Seal [Roy, 1962] Fiona MacLeod: pseudonym of William Sharp (1855-1905): Celtic fantasist * Pharais [1894] novel * The Sin-Eater and Other Tales [1894] story collection * Green Fire [1896] novel * The Washer of the Ford and Other Legendary Moralities [1896] story collection * The Dominion of Dreams [1899] story collection * Where the Forest Murmers [1906] story collection (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.608) F. MacPatterson, pseudonym of Walter Ernsting James MacPherson (1736-1796): poet and Celtic Fantasist of SCOTLAND Best known for the biggest hoax in poetry history: see "Ossian" Macrocosm: the universe as a whole, at large, often opposed to Microcosm (the universe in small); outer space as opposed to inner space Paul MacTyre, pseudonym of Robert J. Adam (?) * Doomsday 1999 [Ace, 1963] Mad About Men: British Fantasy movie [1954] remade in America as Splash! [1984] {film hotlinke to be done} Mad Love, a.k.a The Hands of Orloc: see Fantasy/Horror movies [1935] Mad Max: see movies of AUSTRIA Larry Maddock, pseudonym of Jack O. Jardine; when co-author with J. A. Jardine writes as Howard L. Cory: * The Mind Monster [Ace, 1966] as Howard L. Cory * The Sword of Lankor [Ace, 1966] as Howard L. Cory * The "Agent of T.E.R.R.A." series: * The Flying Saucer Gambit [Ace, 1966] * The Golden Goddess Gambit [Ace, 1967] * The Emerald Elephant Gambit [Ace, 1967] * The Time Trap Gambit [Ace, 1969] Stephen Maddock, pseudonym of J. M. Walsh Carl Maddox, pseudonym of E. C. Tubb Tom Maddox: Tom Maddox recently co-authored with William Gibson one of the best-ever episdoes of X-Files... Rachel Maddux, pseudonym of R. M. Baker: * The Green Kingdom [Simon & Schuster, 1957; Avon] Robert A. Madle: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Madoc: a.k.a. Madog, mythic or historic 12th century prince from WALES, who supposedly sailed across the Atlantic circa 1170 A.D., landing in what is now Alabama (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.609) Madonna: (1) goddess; (2) pop-culture icon Hugh Maepenn, pseudonym of Henry Kuttner K. K. Maepenn, pseudonym of Henry Kuttner Maurice Maeterlinck (1862-1949): major playwright, essayist, and figure of the Decadent and Symblist literary movements; see BELGIUM The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction: see MAGAZINES The Magazine of Horror: see MAGAZINES Magazines: this medium, so important to the histories of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, was born in France with "Le journal des savants" [1665], which did not itself include fiction. The first Fantasy magazine was "Le Mercure Galant" thanks to its inclusion of a Charles Perrault fairytale [Feb 1696]. Oriental satires by John Hawkesworth were featured in "The Adventurer" [1752-1754], and the first all-fiction British magazine was "New Novelists Magazine" [1786-1787]. Gothic fiction was revived in 19th century magazines, and the modern Horror story sprang from that origin; "Blackwood's Magazine" [1817-1980] began the modern practice of fiction being a m ajor part of a magazine's content. A great deal has happened since then. see MAGAZINES (also according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, pp.611-615 -- a major essay) Magi: see Magus Magic: see Hard Fantasy; see James Frazer (The Golden Bough); see Magician; see Wizard Magic: see Fantasy movies [1978] {film hotlink to be done} Magical Mystery Tour: see The Beatles Magician: (1) stage illusionist; (2) Wizard Magick: Aleister Crowley's sexual/mystical brand of magic Magic Mountain: see Thomas Mann Magic Numbers: (1) see Numerology; (2) number of protons or protons plus neutrons in unusually stable isotopes, due to their having complete nuclear shell structures (those isotopes with magic numbers of protons and total nucleaons are called "doubly magic") Magic Realism, or Magical Realism: see Jorge Luis Borges, Latin America; John Clute applies the term to English-language authors including Brian Aldiss, James P. Blaylock, Peter Carey, Angela Carter, E. L. Doctorow, John Fowles, Mark Helprin, Salman Rushdie, Emma Tennant (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.619) The Magic Roundabout: see British Fantasy TV [1963-1971] Magic Shop: see Shop Magic Words: "Abracadabra", "Hocus-Pocus", "Open Sesame", "Shazam" and similar words which represent the invocation of the algorithms (computer programs) of axiomatic Magic Magog: see Gog and Magog Rory Magill, pseudonym of Dorothea M. Faulkner John Magnus, pseudonym of Harlan Ellison (ghost written) Rene Magritte, full name Rene-Francois-Ghislain Magritte (1898-1967): major Fantasy and Surrealist painter of BELGIUM Magus: (1) Historically, the priestly caste of Magi dominated Persia two-and-a-half millennia ago, and Zoroaster may have been the most influential of all Magi; (2) the Three Wise Men who travel to the birth of Christ are, in the Bible, called The Three Magis; (3) real and fictional characters alike are called Magi almost synonymously with "Magician", "Seer", "Sorcerer", or "Wizard" -- John Clute gives an interesting list: "Moses, Solomon, Virgil, Pythagorus, Simon Magus, Theophilus of Adana, Apollonius of Tyana, Merlin, Roger Bacon, Cagliostro, Prospero, Saint-Germain, Faust, John Dee, Sarastro" -- many of whom have entries in this on;ine encyclopedia. (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.619) Mahabharata: see INDIA Margaret Mahy, full name Margaret May Mahy (1936-): children's, Young Adult, and adult Fantasy author of NEW ZEALAND * 30 children's books {to be done} * The Haunting [1982] Carnegie Medal-winning Young Adult Wizard novel * The Catalogue of the Universe [UK: 1985] fictionalized biography of the great astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) * The Changeover: A Supernatural Romance [UK: 1984] Young Adult Witch novel * The Greatest Show Off Earth [1984] Science Fiction * The Trickster [1986] Young Adult ghost novel * Aliens in the Family [1986] Science Fiction * Dangerous Spaces [UK: 1991] Young Adult supernatural novel (according to "The Encyclopedia of Fantasy", John Clute & John Grant, St.Martin's, 1997, p.620) Maiden: see Virgin Shirley S. Maiewski: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Jane Mailander: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Jane Mailander Norman Mailer (1923-): {to be done} Charles Eric Maine, pseudonym of David McIlwain: * Alph [Science Fiction Book Club, 1972; Ballentine Books] * B.E.A.S.T. [Ballentine Books, 1967] * Fire Past the Future [Ballentine Books, 1959] * He Owned the World [Avalon, 1960; Avon] * High Vacuum [Ballentine Books hardcover, 1957] * The Isotope Man [Lippincott, 1957; Science Fiction Book Club] * The Man Who Couldn't Sleep [Lippincott, 1958; Science Fiction Book Club] * The Mind of Mr. Soames [Pyramid, 1970] * Spaceways Satellite [Avalon, 1958] * The Tide Went Out [Ballentine Books, 1959] * Timeliner [Rinehart, 1955; Science Fiction Book Club; Bantam] * Survival Margin [Fawcett Gold Medal, 1968] * World Without Men [Ace, 1958] David Maine, pseudonym of Claude Avice Ricia Mainhardt: Lifetime Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America talented literary agent, who presented Your Humble Webmaster and wife with a gorgeous green-blue glass spherical vase as a wedding present reminiscent of the planet Uranus, which I had helped to photograph as Mission Planning Engineer of Voyager 2 at NASA JPL. Ricia is a cultured, intellectual, powerful sales-person who can equally well market designer clothing or book manuscripts. George B[rown] Mair (27 May 1914-?) Physician/Surgeon/Explorer/Novelist from Scotlan, born in Troon, M.D. and Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons at the University of Edinburgh, practiced at Law Hospital, Lanarkshire, Director of Medical Clinic of Central Scotland (1954-1968), led explorations of Greek and Turkish geographical/archaeological sites. The following paperback edition was edited and published by my father, Samuel H. Post, for MacFadden-Bartell Corporation, New York: George B. Mair, "The Day Khruschev Panicked", (50-183, 1963) [originally New York: Random House, 1961, in hardcover] Don Maitz (1953-): Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America, also an award-winning Science Fiction painter/illustrator Simon Majors, pseudonym of Gardner F. Fox MALAYSIA Derwin Mak: a.k.a. David Lockhart: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America (as of August 1998): the following stories were listed in the Fall 1998 SFWA Bulletin; Your Humble Webmaster has no independent confirmation, and has not yet requested permission to use this alleged information: * "Invasive Procedures" [T&A Times] * "Shower Scene" [T&A Times] * "The Massage" [T&A Times] Dan Malcolm, pseudonym of Robert Silverberg Donald Malcolm: * The Iron Rain [Laser, 1976] * The Unknown Shore [Laser, 1976] Honey Malcolm, pseudonym of William Rotsler George Malcolm-Smith: * The Grass is Always Greener [Doubleday, 1947; Bantam] MALDIVES Alexander Malec: * Extrapolasis [Doubleday, 1967; Curtis] 12 stories Lucas Malet: pseudonym of Mary Kingsley Oriel Malet, pseudonym of Auriel R. Vaughan Stephane Mallarme' (1842-1898): major poet associtaed with the Decadent movement in FRANCE Mark Mallory, pseudonym of Dallas McCord Reynolds Sherry Malone, pseudonym of Robert Bloch Sir Thomas Malory (1416?-1471?): English author famnous for "Le Morte Darthur" [1471-1485] see: King Arthur. MALTA Jefferson D. Malvern: see Kenneth Morris Barry M. Malzberg "Galaxies" [Pyramid, 1975] is selected and praised in "Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels" by David Pringle Also writes under pseudonym K. M. O'Donnell. Over 30 novels {to be done} Cyril Mand, pseudonym of George R. Hahn & Richard Levin Julia S. Mandala: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Julia S. Mandala John F. Manders, pseudonym of L. Sandfield Jude Manget, full name Judy Kay Manget: Member of Horror Writers of America Judy Kay Manget Pete D. Manison: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Abel Mann, pseudonym of John Creasey Charles Mann, pseudonym of Roger P. Graham Jack Mann, pseudonym of Charles Cannell Alexandra Manners, pseudonym of Anne Rundle Marya Mannes, pseudonym of Mrs. Richard Blow: * They [Doubleday, 1968; Curtis] David Manning, pseudonym of Frederick Faust Laurence Manning: * The Man Who Awoke [Ballentine Books, 1975] Michael Mannion: * Deathcloud [Leisure, 1976] D. Keith Mano: * The Bridge [Doubleday, 1973; Signet] * Horn [Houghton Mifflin, 1969; Avon] Peter Manton, pseudonym of John Creasey Lydia C. Marano: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Lydia C. Marano, owner of the bookstore Dangerous Visions in Sherman Oaks, California. I love this bookstore, and highly recommend it to anyone in the Los Angeles area. Michael Marano: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? * Dawn Song (Tor Books) e-mail Michael Marano Karl Maras, house name and pseudonym of Kenneth Bulmer, Peter Hawkins, others Ammianus Marcellinus, pseudonym of Aaron Nadel William March, pseudonym of William E. M. Campbell Jason J. Marchi, born New Britain CT 24 July 1960, son of Paul C. Marchi and Georgette A. Pershken; poetry in Amazing Stories, Byline, Weird Tales; edited historical text for "The Island Called Faulkner's" (J.E. Helander); wrote photo captions for textbook on human sexuality (Dushkin Publishing Group, 1988); B.S. Northeastern University, Boston MA; Member: National Writers Union, Connecticut Poetry Society, Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Jason J. Marchi John Marco: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America John Marco e-mail John Marco Marconette, pseudonym of Mark Marchioni Daniel Marcus: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Daniel Marcus e-mail Daniel Marcus Robert B. Marcus, Jr.: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Robert P. Marcus, Jr.: * Shadow on the Stars [Laser, 1977] William E. Marden: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail William E. Marden @aol e-mail William E. Marden @genie * The Exile of Ellendon [Doubleday, 1974] Robert E. Margroff: * The E.S.P. Worm [Paperback Library, 1970] co-author P. Anthony * The Ring (co-author Piers Anthony) Michael Markiewicz: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Michael Markiewicz T. A. Marko: Member of Horror Writers of America T. A. Marko Laurie J. Marks: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Laurie J. Marks Louise Marley: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America no known home page, but America Online e-mail Louise Marley Louise Marley: Index to at least 1 publication e-mail Louise Marley Lynn Marron: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Lynn Marron Edson Marshall: * Dian of the Lost Land [Kinsey, 1935; Burton, 1936; Chilton, 1966] a.k.a. The Lost land [Curtis, 1972] Lost Lands * Earth Giant [Doubleday, 1960; Popular] Richard Marsten, see Evan Hunter Suzanne Martel: * The City Underground [Viking, 1964] Adrienne Martine-Barnes: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Adrienne Martine-Barnes Joseph Harry Martinson: * Aniara [Knopf, 1963; Avon] epic SF poem, made into successful opera David Marusek: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America David A. C. Marin, pseudonym of Alfred Coppel David Mariner, pseudonym of David M. Smith Scott Mariner, pseudonym of Cyril Kornbluth & Frederik Pohl Henry Marion, pseudonym of Lester del Rey Marius, pseudonym of Steve Benedict Ted Mark, pseudonym of Ted Gottfried Hord Markham, pseudonym of William Rotsler Robert Markham, pseudonym of Kingsley Amis Russ Markham, pseudonym of Steve Hall Louise Marley: Louise Marley three science fantasy novels published by Ace Science Fiction: * Sing the Light * Sing the Warmth * Receive the Gift * A new novel, The Terrorists of Irustan, will be out from Ace in 1999. Marley is also a classical concert and opera singer in the Pacific Northwest, a frequent performer with Seattle Opera and the Seattle Symphony. * "Body and Blood" (short story) [Divine Realms, Fall 1998] * "Five Music Lessons for Writers" [Speculations] nonfiction e-mail Louise Marley Stephen Marlowe, pseudonym of Milton Lesser Webb Marlowe, pseudonym of J. Francis McComas Robert Marner, pseudonym of Algis Budrys J. J. Maric, pseudonym of John Creasey Capt. Marryat, pseudonym of Frederick Marryat James Marsden, pseudonym of John Creasey James Vance Marshall, pseudonym of Donald Gordon Payne Richard Marsten, pseudonym of Evan Hunter Paul Martens, pseudonym of Stephen Southwold Anthony Martin, pseudonym of A. A. Glynn Anya Martin @ Dragon*Con freelance writer/journalist/editor/music critic Jason Martin @ Dragon*Con, comix inker George R. R. Martin: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America George R. R. Martin George R. R. Martin @ Catch22 George R. R. Martin tribute page George R[aymond] R[ichard] Martin, born Bayonne NJ 20 Sep 1948, son of Raymond Martin and Margaret Brady, married Gale Burnick 15 Nov 1975 (divorced Dec 1979); author: A Song for Lya & Other Stories [Avon, 1976] 10 stories Songs of Stars and Shadows [Pocket, 1977] 9 stories Sandkings, 1981 Dying of the Light [Simon & Schuster, 1977] Windhaven, 1981 Fevre Dream, 1982 The Armageddon Rag, 1983 Songs the Deadmen Sing, 1983 Others {to be done} Editor: New Voices I, 1977 New Voices II, 1979 New Voices III, 1980 New Voices IV, 1981 Numerous short stories; B.S. summa cum laude 1970 Northwestern University; M.S. cum laude 1971 Northwestern University; Journalism Intern 1971 Medill News Service, Washington DC; sportswriter/public relations officer 1971 New Jersey Department of Parks, Bayonne; Instructor in Journalism 1976-78 Clarke College, Dubuque IA; Writer-in-Residence 1978-79 Clarke College, Dubuque IA; founder/chairman 1972-76 Windy City Science Fiction Writers' Workshop, Chicago; member SFWA (Vice President 1996-7); Story Editor of "Twilight Zone" (CBS-TV), Executive Story Consultant, Producer and Co-Supervising Producer of Beauty and the Beast" (CBS-TV); Executive Producer of "Doorways" (CBS-TV) -- imitated by "Sliders" e-mail George R. R. Martin John R. Martin, pseudonym of T. W. Wade Michael A. Martin: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Michael A. Martin Peter Martin, pseudonym of Peter M. Leckie Richard Martin, pseudonym of John Creasey Stella Martin, pseudonym of Georgette Heyer Sue Martin: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Thomas Martin, Thomas K. Martin: Thomas Thomas K. Martin @ compuserve Webber Martin, pseudonym of Robert Silverberg T. Chris Martindale: T. Chris Martindale Phillip Martyn, pseudonym of E. C. Tubb David Marusek: David Marusek Andrew Marvell, real name, and pseudonym of Howell Davies Cyn Mason: Lifetime Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Cyn Mason cat-loving author of "a couple of pieces in Analog, another, in collaboration with Frank Catalano) to SF Chronicle, a few small press things I haven't bothered to keep track of, and 'Wet Visions, the rainthology' (I am NOT responsible for the title!) [which] was published by Hypatea Press back in 1988. I edited it [and] amusingly it's become a collector's item, as it included a very funny introduction by Frank Herbert, one of Nina Kiriki Hoffman's first published stories, and a buncha other good things...." "I was also solicited by SFWA to write the 'Taxes for Authors' essay now published in the new handbook..." One of Cyn Mason's published stories is about a tax auditor who gives even Darth Vader a hard time. Known for her twisted sense of humor and her photographic memory, she carries thousands of pages of tax code in her head, poor gal. Speaking of "Rainthology" -- stories about rain and the Seattle area -- I'd submitted a wonderful story, which she rejected on the ostensible basis that it would look like bias based on friendship if she accepted it. In e-mail discussion, we remember this minor incident differently. Nothing personal, Cyn; just that 800+ sales later, I still regret the ones that got away. David Mason: * The Deep Gods [Lancer, 1973] * The Shores of Tomorrow [Lancer, 1971] * The Sorcerer's Skull [Lancer, 1970] * The "Kavin Hosten" series: * Kavin's World [Lancer, 1969] * The Return of Kavin [Lancer, 1972] Douglas R. Mason, also writes under pseudonym John Rankine: * Dilation Effect [Ballentine Books, 1971] * From Carthage Then I Came [Doubleday, 1966] a.k.a. Eight Against Utopia [Paperback Library, 1967] * The End Bringers [Ballentine Books, 1973] * Horizon Alpha [Ballentine Books, 1971] * Matrix [Ballentine Books, 1970] * The Phaeton Condition [Putnam, 1973; Berkley] * The Resurrection of Roger Diment [Ballentine Books, 1972] * Ring of Violence [Avon, 1969] * Satellite 54-Zero [Ballentine Books, 1971] As John Rankine: * The Bromius Phenomenon [Ace, 1973] * Moons of Triopus Paperback Library, 1969] * Operation Umanaq [Ace, 1973] * "Space 1999" series {to be done} Ernest Mason, pseudonym of Frederik Pohl Ernst Mason, pseudonym of Fredrik Pohl Gregory Mason, pseudonym of Doris Meek & Adrienne Jones: * The Golden Archer [Twayne, 1956] Jeff Mason @ Dragon*Con Editor for "Indy" -- a critically-acclaimed independent comic guide John Mason, pseudonym of E. C. Tubb Lee W. Mason, pseudonym of Barry N. Malzberg Lisa Mason: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Lisa Mason Mary Mason: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Mary Mason Michael Mason, pseudonym of Edgar Smith Ray Mason, house name and pseudonym of F. C. Kneller Tally Mason, pseudonym of August W. Derleth Elizabeth Massie: Elizabeth Massie Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Kathleen M. Massie-Ferch Whit Masterson, pseudonym of Bob Wade & Bill Miller Joan Matheson, pseudonym of Jacob Transue Richard Matheson: major horror, science fiction, and television writer Richard Matheson * Bid Time Return [Viking, 1975; Ballentine Books] * Born of Man and Woman [Chamberlien, 1954] 17 stories a.k.a. Third from the Sun [Bantam, 1955] 13 stories * Hellhouse [Viking, 1971; Bantam] * I Am Legend [Fawcett Gold Medal, 1954; Bantam; Berkley; Walker, 1970] adapted to movie "The Omega Man" {film hotlink to be done} * Shock [Dell, 1961] 13 stories * Shock II [Dell, 1964] 13 stories * Shock III [Dell, 1966] 13 stories * Shock Waves [Dell, 1970] 14 stories * The Shores of Space [Bantam, 1957] 13 stories * The Shrinking Man [Fawcett Gold Medal, 1956; Bantam] adapted to movie "The Incredible Shrinking Man" {film hotlink to be done} * A Stir of Echoes [Lippincott, 1958; Crest; Avon] Patricia Mathews: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Patricia Mathews Una Cooper Mathieson, pseudonym of Amanda Melvina Thorley Gibson Holly Wade Matter: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America no known home page, but America Online e-mail e-mail Holly Wade Matter Rodney Mattheson, pseudonym of John Creasey Kevin Matthews, pseudonym of Gardner F. Fox Patricia Matthews: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Short Fiction: "The Children of the Sea" (Fantasy & Science Fiction) "Goatman" (Fantasy & Science Fiction) "Little William" in "Microcosmic Tales" (Taplinger Publishing) e-mail Patricia Matthews Susan R. Matthews: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Susan Matthews Books: * An Exchange of Hostages [Avon, 1997] * Prisoner of Conscience [Avon, 1998] Short Fiction: * {to be done} e-mail Susan R. Matthews J. Marc Matz: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Andre Maurois, author in France of mainstream and 2 science fiction novels: * The Weigher of Souls [???] * The Earth Dwellers [???] * The Weigher of Souls & The Earth Dwellers [Macmillan, 1963] 2 novels in 1 volume Bob Maurus @ Dragon*Con, sculptor Hubert Mavity, pseudonym of Nelson F. Bond Ann Maxwell: * Change [Popular, 1975] * The Singer Enigma [Popular, 1976] Ann Maxwell, pseudonym of Lee Pattinson Joslyn Maxwell, pseudonym of Max J. Ireland John C. Maxwell, pseudonym of John S. Glasby John C. Maxwell: * The World Makers [Arcadia, 1969] Lisa Maxwell: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Brian May (1934-25 April 1997) Australian film/TV composer, wrote musical scores and theme songs for 33 motion pictures, 17 motion picture soundtrack albums, and many television shows. Brian May had homes in Los Angeles and Melbourne, Australia. Among his many international honors was the Paris International Festival's Miklos Rosza for Best Original Score ("The Survivors"). Films included: "The Road Warrior" "Mad Max" "Dr. Giggles" "Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare" "Hurricane Smith" "Steel Dawn" "Missing in Action II: The Beginning" "Gallipolli" TV included: "Tales from the Crypt" "Dark Justice" "Return to Eden" "The Last Outlaw" Jonathan May, pseudonym of Laurence James Julian C. May, pseudonym of Judy M. Dikty {to be done} Julian May: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Julian May / Milieu Locus Poll Award 1982 Julian May: Index to at least 25 publications Julian May tribute page Bob Mayer: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Bob Mayer Edwina Mayer: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America M. I. Mayfield, pseudonym of H. I. Hirschfield & G. M. Mateyko Ardath Mayhar: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Ardath Mayhar Archibald Maynwaring, pseudonym of H. P. Lovecraft Return to Top of "Authors M" page


Annie Laurie McAllister, pseudonym of Bruce Cassiday Bruce McAllister: * Humanity Prime [Ace, 1971] C. C. McApp, pseudonym of Carroll M. Capps Burke McArthur, pseudonym of Arthur J. Burks Paul J. McAuley: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Paul J. McAuley Ed McBain, pseudonym of Evan Hunter: Go to Ultimate Mystery/Detective Web Guide Sally McBride: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Sally McBride Anne McCaffrey: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Anne McCaffrey / Pern Hugo Award 1968 Nebula Award 1968 HOMer Award 1991 SFBC Awards 1987, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95 Anne [Inez] McCaffrey: Index to at least 67 publications * Decision at Doona [Ballentine Books, 1969] * Dinosaur Planet [Ballentine Books, 1978; Science Fiction Book Club] * Restoree [Ballentine Books, 1967] * The Ship Who Sang [Ballentine Books, 1969; Walker] 6 stories * "The Ship Who Sang" book series, co-authored {to be done} * To Ride Pegasus [Ballentine Books, 1973] * Get Off the Unicorn [Ballentine Books, 1977] * The "Dragonriders of Pern" series: * Dragonflight [Ballentine Books, 1968; Walker, 1969] * Dragonquest [Walker, 1970; Ballentine Books] * A Time When [NESFA Press, 1975] * Dragonsong [Athenaeum, 1976; Bantam] juvenile * Dragonsinger [Athenaeum, 1977] juvenile * The White Dragon [Del Rey, 1978; Ballentine Books] perhaps the first science fiction novel to hit the New York Times bestseller list * Others {to be done} e-mail Anne McCaffrey Todd Johnson McCaffrey: no known home page, but CompuServe e-mail Simon McCafferey: no known home page, but CompuServe e-mail Anthony McCall, pseudonym of Henry Kane Marie McCall (1909-?) historical witch burning novel "The Evening Wolves" (New York: Day, 1949) Arthur McCann, pseudonym of John W. Campbell, Jr. Edson McCann, pseudonym of Fred Pohl & Lester del Rey Jody McCarter, pseudonym of Jodi DeMelikoff & Vermille McCarter Wil McCarthy: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Wil Wil McCarthy old, invalid? Wil McCarthy: Index to at least 9 publications An aerospace engineer for the Lockheed Martin Corporation, Wil McCarthy lives in Denver with his wife, Cathy, and an assortment of animals. Since his debut in 1990, his short fiction has appeared in a variety of magazines and anthologies, and has published (depending on counting methodology) 3, 4, or 6 novels. * Murder in the Solid State [New York: Tor, Aug 1996] e-mail Wil McCarthy Dennis McCarty: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America resident in Korea Harold W. McCauley (11 July 1913-?) American aviation/SF artist Thomas Calvert McClary, American author best known for novel "Rebirth" [New York: Bart House, 1944; Hyperion, 1976] Utopia also author of: * Three Thousand Years [Fantasy, 1954; Ace] Gary D. McClellan: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Gary D. McClellan Malcolm McClintick: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Helen [Worrell Clarkson] McCloy [ex-Mrs. David Dresser] (6 Jun 1904-?) American Mystery/SF author, President of Mystery Writers of America, with one weird novel "Through a Glass Drakly" (New York: Random House, 1950) Victor McClure (20 Mar 1887-7 Apr 1963) British architect/actor/painter/ novelist, "The Ark of the Covenant" (New York: Harper, 1924) pacifist dirigible warriors with a master plan J[esse] Francis McComas (1910-?) American author/anthologist/editor, co-editor with Anthony Boucher of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction from start (Fall 1949) to July 1954, co-anthologist with R. J. Healy of the wonderful anthology "Adventures in Time and Space" (1946), and wrote under pseudonym "Webb Marlowe" Lyn McConchie: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America resident in New Zealand Ashley McConnell: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Ashley McConnell James McConnell (26 Oct 1925-?) American psychologist/professor/author "The Worm Runner's Digest" editor/publisher (1959-?) "The Worm Re-Turns" (New York: Prentice Hall, 1965) best of above Clay McCord, pseudonym of William Rotsler Guy McCord, pseudonym of Dallas McCord Reynolds Charlotte McCormack, pseudonym of W. E. D. Ross Max McCoy: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Max McCoy James MacCreigh, pseudonym of Frederik Pohl Judy McCrosky: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Judy McCrosky Canada Karen E. B. McCue: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Karen E. B. McCue John Tyler McCullough, pseudonym of Edgar Rice Burroughs Philip McCutchan (13 Oct 1920-?) English shipper/schoolmaster/teashop owner/author, wrote several "Commander Shaw" adventures such as "The Screaming Dead Balloons" and the Chinese A-bomb dystopia "A Time for Survival" (London: Harrap, 1966) Charles McDaniel, pseudonym of Charles M. Garrison David [Edward] McDaniel (16 Jun 1939-?), pseudonym of Ted Johnstone, wrote several SF-oriented "Man from U.N.C.L.E". novels and "The Arsenal Out of Time" [Ace, 1967] space opera Dennis McDermott, pseudonym of Walter L. Dennis & P. McDermott, Walter L. Dennis & P. McDermott & P. S. Miller Jack McDevitt: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Jack McDevitt @ Dragon*Con e-mail Jack McDevitt Hugh MacDiarmid, pseudonym of Christopher Murray Grieve Anson MacDonald, pseudonym of Robert A[nson] Heinlein Frederika MacDonald, "The Iliad of the East" (London: Macmillan, 1870) based on The Ramayana George MacDonald (10 Dec 1824-18 Sep 1905) Weird and fantasy author in Scotland, including the creepy "Lilith" [London: Chatto & Windus, 1895; Dodd Mead, 1895; Dutton, 1925; Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy] with people sneaking into our world from an alternate world through mirrors (basis of Heinlein's "The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag?) and also: * Evenor [Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy], 1972] * Phantastes [British, 1858; Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1902, 1970] * The Princess and Curdie * The Princess and the Goblin * Visionary Novels of George MacDonald [Noonday, 1954] Lilith + Phantastes Ian McDonald: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America ressident in Northern Ireland Ian McDonald e-mail Ian McDonald John D[ann] MacDonald (24 July 1916-?) prolific bestselling American author of Mystery, Thriller, Comic, and Mainstream novels, plus a musical. He started in Science Fiction, with highly regarded short stories, some pseudymous. SF novels include: * Ballroom of the Skies [New York: Greenberg, 1952; Fawcett Gold Medal] * The Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything" [Gold Medal, 1962] * Planet of Dreamers [Pocket Book, 1953] a.k.a. Wine of the Dreamers [Greenberg, 1951; Fawcett Gold Medal] Steven McDonald: e-mail Steven McDonald Thomas R. McDonough, Ph.D. Thomas R. McDonough, Ph.D. -- scientist, teacher, novelist, lecturer, Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America multimedia author. WHAT IF: real SETI science meets science fiction on TV Dr. Thomas R. McDonough is Coordinator of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) at The Planetary Society. He has a bachelor's degree in physics from MIT and a PhD in astrophysics from Cornell. He is on the Advisory Board of _Skeptic_ and The Skeptics Society and has lectured for the Skeptics Society Caltech Lecture Series. CARL SAGAN Eulogy by protege Thomas R. McDonough e-mail Thomas R. McDonough John MacDougal, pseudonym of James Blish & R. W. Lowndes William McDougal, Science Fiction poet "The Female Demon" (New York: Shroud, 1955) Ian Keith McDowell: Ian Keith McDowell @ Dragon*Con Short story author whose work has appeared in "Love in Vein", "Borderlands II", and "The Year's Best Horror Stories" Greg McElhatton: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Short Fiction: * "Parasite", in "365 Scary Stories" (Barnes & Noble) * "One Romantic Evening", in "365 Scary Stories" (Barnes & Noble) * "And Then The Music Stopped", in "365 Scary Stories" (Barnes & Noble) e-mail Greg McElhatton Joseph McElroy: * Plus [Knopf, 1977] James P. McEwan: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail James P. McEwan Stephen MacFarlane, pseudonym of John K. Cross Mark J. McGarry: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Mark J. McGarry Terry McGarry: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America; Member of Horror Writers of America Terry Terry McGarry as listed by HWA Terry McGarry's Web page link is sufficient, "since all the biblio and bio data is there," but I'd like to just to mention a few highlights: * She was born in 1962 * was the recipient of the 1992 Gryphon Honor Book plaque * has won three Boomerang Awards * her fiction has appeared in: AMAZING, ABORIGINAL, MZB'S FANTASY MAGAZINE, DEATHREALM, ADVENTURES OF SWORD AND SORCERY, TERRA INCOGNITA, and many anthologies. * When she publishes a book, she'll let me know, and I'll mention it here... e-mail Terry McGarry e-mail Terry McGarry old, invalid? Dudley Dean McGaughy, American author, pseudonym "Dean Owen." Also wrote many Western and Suspense novels, and worked as a TV/Radio editor for a trade paper in Hollywood. Dan McGirt: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Dan McGirt William P[eter] McGivern (6 Dec 1927-?) American Mystery/Fantasy/ Western/radio writer, 2 SF story series: "Three Musketeers" and "Tink" (both in Fantastic Adventures) Inez McGowan, pseudonym of Roger P. Graham Thomas McGrath (1916-?) dystopian novel "The Gates of Ivory, the Gates of Horn" (New York: Mainstream, 1957) Charles G. McGraw: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Charles G. McGraw John McGreevey, house name and pseudonym of H. Browne, W. L. Hamling Richard MacGregor, British author in the Brown-Watson "Digit" series Ellen McGregor, real name and pseudonym of S. F. Pantell John J[oseph] McGuire (1917-?) American teacher/clerk/broadcaster best known for co-authorsip with H. Beam Piper Patrick L. McGuire: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Georgess McHargue, American editor (Golden, Doubleday) and anthologist "The Best of Both Worlds: An Anthology of Stories for All Ages" (New York: Doubleday, 1968) Maureen F. McHugh: Maureen F. McHugh Vincent McHugh (23 Dec 1904-?) Amrican editor/critic/novelist/teacher * I Am Thinking of My Darling [New York: Simon & Schuster, 1943; Signet] David McIlwain (1921-?) British author with pseudonym "Charles Eric Maine" also engineer/broadcaster/journalist, 20+ novels, of which I prefer the time travel murder Mystery "Timeliner" (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1955) Dorothy McIlwraith, American editor, second to helm "Weird Tales" (May 1940-Sep 1954), through the end of its first incarnation Graham [Campbell] McInnes (18 Feb 1912-28 Feb 1970) Diplomat/editor/ novelist in Canada (degree from U. of Melbourne, Australia) * Lost Island [London: Macmillan, 1954; World, 1954; Signet] J. T. McIntosh, pseudonym of James M. MacGregor J. T. M'Intosh, pseudonym of James M. MacGregor Vonda Neel McIntyre, nothing on the Web??? born 28 Aug 1948, daughter of H. Neel McIntyre and Vonda Barth Keith, author: The Exile Waiting [Science Fiction Book Club, 1976; Fawcett Gold Medal] Dreamsnake [Houghton Mifflin, 1978] (Hugo Award) Fireflood and Other Stories, 1979 The Entropy Effect, 1981 Superluminal, 1983 Barbary, 1986 editor: Aurora: Beyond Equality, 1976 (with Susan Janice Anderson) Starfarers, 1989 B.S. 1970 University of Washington; Nebula Awards 1973 and 1978; member: Authors Guild, Cousteau Society, Planetary Society, ACLU, Space Studies Institute, Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Bridget McKenna: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Bridget McKenna Richard M[ilton] McKenna (9 May 1913-1 Nov 1964) American Navy machinist author, best known for bestseller "The Sand Pebbles" made into a successful film {hotlink to be done} with good science-based SF stories as well, including: * Casey Agonistes and other Fantasy & Science Fiction [Harper, 1973; Ace] 5 stories Kenneth McKenney: * The Moonchild [Simon & Schuster, 1978] * The Plants [Putnam, 1976; Bantam] A. R. McKenzie (1908-?) American librarian/author of the "Luvium" series and the "Juggernaut Jones" series in Amazing Stories Sir Compton [Edward Montague] McKenzie (17 Jan 1883-30 Nov 1970) Scottish editor/author of 80+ books, including "The Lunatic Republic" (London: Chatto & Windus, 1959) about Chinese on the Moon, "The Rival Monster" (London: Chatto, 1952) which comically crosses the UFO genre with the Loch Ness monster legend "Rockets Galore" missiles in the Outer Hebrides, {film hotlink to be done} Ellen Kindt McKenzie, juvenile novelist "Tash and the Jesters" Mark and Tami McKenzie @ Dragon*Con Mark co-created "Dark Confrontation" (a live role-playing game) for Handmade Games, where Tami is a writer/editor Norman MacKenzie, nonfiction "Secret Societies" (New York: Holt, 1967) Ray McKenzie, pseudonym of Robert Silverberg Dennis L. McKiernan: Lifetime Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Dennis L. McKiernan Patricia A. McKillip: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America * The Forgotten Beasts of Eld [Atheneum, 1974; Avon] * The House on Parchment Street [Atheneum, 1973] juvenile * The Night Gift [Atheneum, 1976] juvenile * The Throne of the Errill of Sherrill [Atheneum, 1973] juvenile * The "Hed" series: * The Riddle Master of Hed [Atheneum, 1977; Ballentine Books] * Heir of Sea and Fire [Atheneum, 1977] Edward Mackin, British editor/author of the cybernetics stories in the "Hek Belov" series in Science-Fantasy and New Worlds John J. McLaglen, pseudonym of John Harvey, Laurence James Teri McLaren: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Teri McLaren Cooper McLaughlin: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Dean [Benjamin] McLaughlin (2 July 1931-) American novelist (4+ books) plus stories in Astounding. * Dome World [Pyramid, 1962] * The Fury from Earth [Pyramid, 1963] * Hawk Among the Sparrows [Scribner, 1976] 3 stories * The Man Who Wanted Stars [lancer, 1965; Magnum] Mark McLaughlin: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America D. G. McLean: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail D. G. McLean Fiona McLeod, pseudonym of W. Sharp George McLociard, pseudonym of Charles F. Locke Donna N. McMahon: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America, resident in Canada e-mail Donna N. McMahon e-mail Donna N. McMahon old, inavlid? Thomas McMahon: * The Hubschman Effect [Simon & Schuster, 1973; Pocket] R. David McMichael: * The Journal of David Q. Little [Arlington, 1967] Virginia McMorrow: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Sean McMullen, of Melbourne, Australia: noted bibliographer/critic/author whose 3rd book won Australia's national SF award in 1996. Besides writing and rasing a family, Sean is a Senior IT Officer and the Examiner of his Karate club. Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America. Sean McMullen Preliminary Ballot for Nebula Award in 1989 for his first story in the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. This year, just topped the Aurealis Magazine Readers' Poll with "Charon's Anchor" Sean McMullen e-mail Sean McMullen, Australia Brian McNaughton: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Brian McNaughton, born 1935, who also writes under the pseudonym "Mark Bloodstone", is a short-story writer, poet, and critic in areas of horror, fantasy, science fiction, erotica, and crime. Eight (out-of-print) novels include: * Satan's Love Child * The Poacher * Guilty Until Proven Guilty More than 100 short stories have appeared in magazines ranging in appeal from Hustler to Weirdbook. Anthology appearances include: Lovecraft's Legacy (Tor) Masques IV (Maclay) New Adventures in the Twilight Zone (Daw) Miskatonic University (Daw) Flesh Fantastic (Masquerade) Seductive Specters (Masquerade) 100 Wicked Little Witch Stories (Barnes & Noble) Darkside: Horror for the Next Millennium (Darkside) Sixteen short-shorts will appear in: A Horror Story a Day (Barnes & Noble, 1997) A collection with novel and shorter works is eagerly awaited by fans: The Throne of Bones (Terminal Fright Press, PO Box 100, Black River NY 13612-0100) in Spring 1997, illustrated by Jamie Oberschlake e-mail Brian McNaughton via New Jersey (do not use genie) Janet McNeill, pseudonym of Janet Alexander Danith McPherson: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Cynthia McQuillin: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Cynthia McQuillin Donna E. McQuinn: nothing on the Web? Return to Top of "Authors M" page


Beth Meacham: Beth Beth Meacham e-mail Beth Meacham Harold Mead: * The Bright Phoenix [Ballentine Books Hardcover, 1956] Shepherd Mead: * The Big Ball of Wax [Simon & Schuster, 1954; Ballentine Books; Avon; Ace] * The Carefully Considered Rape of the World [Simon & Schuster, 1966; Ace] L. T. Meade, pseudonym of Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith Richard Meade, pseudonym of Benjamin Leopold Haas: * Exile's Quest [Signet, 1970] * The Sword of Morning Star [Signet, 1969] John Meany: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America no known home page, but CompuServe e-mail e-mail John Meany Charles Everts Mears: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? S. P. Meek, pseudonym of Sterner St.Paul Meek: * Drums of Tapajos [Avalon, 1961] * Troyana [Avalon, 1961] Greg Meganck: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Greg Meganck Wilma E. Meier: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America no known home page, but CompuServe e-mail e-mail Wilma E. Meier Ib [Jorgen] Melchior, born Copenhagen Denmark 17 Sep 1917, became U.S. citizen 1944; son of Lauritz Melchior and Inger Nathansen; married Harriey Hathaway Kale 15 Mar 1942 (divorced 1961) son Leif; married Cleo Baldon 18 Jan 1964 stepson Dirk Arin Baldon; book author: Order of Battle, 1972 Sleeper Agent, 1975 The Haigerloch Project, 1977 The Watchdogs of Abaddon, 1979 The Marcus Device, 1980 The Tombstone Cipher, 1983 Eva, 1984 V-3, 1985 Code Name: Grand Guignol, 1987 Playwright: translation of Ibsen's "Rosmerholm", 1946 translation of Ibsen's "Hedda Gabler", 1947 Hour of Vengeance, 1982 Screenwriter: Live Fast, Die Young, 1958 When Hell Broke Loose, 1958 The Angry Red Planet, 1959 Journey to the Seventh Planet, 1962 (with Sidney Pink) Reptilicus, 1963 Robinson Crusoe on Mars, 1964 The Time Travelers, 1964 Planet of the Vampires, 1965 Ambush Boy, 1966 (with Marve Feinberg) Death Race 2000, 1975 Teleplays and Screenwriter of over 100 documentaries; Teleplays: Men Into Space, CBS-TV series, 1959-60 13 Democracy Street, 1960 The Outer Limits, ABC-TV series, 1965 Story/article author: over 100 magazine sales in Europe and America; Graduate 1936 Stenhus College; Candidatus Philosophiae 1937 University of Copenhagen; Actor/stage manager/co-director 1937-39 The English Players, toured Europe and arrived in America at very start of World War II; Stage Manager 1941-42 Radio City Music Hall and Center Theatre, New York City; television writer/actor/director 1947-50 New York City; Director of Television Productions, CBS-TV, 1951-54 Perry Como Show; Director of Television Productions, CBS-TV, 1952 Eddy Arnold Show; Director of Television Productions, CBS-TV, 1953 TV's Top Tunes; Director of Television Productions, NBC-TV, 1955-56 March of Medicine; Associate Producer 1952-53 G-L Enterprises; freelance writer/director/producer 1957-present; Office of Strategic Service 1942-43, U.S. Military Intelligence 1943-45, investigator attached to Counter Intelligence Corps in European Theatre, recipient of Bronze Star and five Combat Stars, received (Denmark) King Christian X Erindringsmedalje; Knight Commander Cross, Militant Order of St. Brigette of Sweden; Member: PEN, Directors Guild of America, Writers Guild of America, Authors Guild, Manuscript Society, Academy of Science Fiction (honorary Member), Royal Danish Guards Association (California Chapter), Danish-American Club (founding President 1962-63); winner of several national awards for documentary films and dramas; Paul Melko: Paul Melko Gabriel Melodrome (1886-1944) Belgian inventor/yachtsman/essayist whose only novel, the salacious time-travel farce "Free Freddy Faust!" (London: E.H. Samuel, 1936) was banned in Germany and Egypt Henry Melton: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Henry Melton e-mail Henry Melton new e-mail Henry Melton old, invalid? Rebecca Meluch: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Rebecca M. Meluch, born Garfield Heights OH 24 Oct 1956, daughter of Andrew David Meluch and Emma Blanche Klemstein, author: Sovereign, 1979 Wind Dancers, 1981 Wind Child, 1982 Jeusalem Fire, 1985 B.A. 1978 University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.A. 1981 University of Pennsylvania; freelance writer/model/actress 1978-present e-mail Rebecca M. Meluch Lewis Melville, pseudonym of L. S. Benjamin, L. S. Benjamin & R. Hargreaves Norman Menasco, pseudonym of Wyman Guin D. C. Mencer, pseudonym of F. C. Kneller Felix Mendelsohn, Jr.: * Superbaby [Nash, 1969; Paperback Library] A. J. Merak, pseudonym of John S. Glasby: * The Dark Millennium [Arcadia, 1966; Belmont] * Barrier Unknown [Arcadia, 1964] * Hydrosphere [Arcadia, 1967] * No Dawn and No Horizon [Arcadia, 1968] a.k.a. The Frozen Planet [Belmont, 1970] George Meredith: * The Shaving of Shagpat [British, 1856; Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1970] Richard C. Meredith: * Run Come See Jerusalem [Ballentine Books, 1976] * The Sky Is Filled With Ships [Ballentine Books, 1969] * We All Died At Breakaway Station [Ballentine Books, 1969] * The "Eric Mathers" series: * At the Narrow Passage [Putnam, 1973; Berkley] * No Brother No Friend [Doubleday, 1976] * Vestiges of Time [Doubleday, 1978] Scott Meredith Literary Agency: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Scott Meredith, the king of literary agents, born New York City 24 Nov 1923, son of Henry Meredith and Esta [last name?]; married Helen Kovet 22 Apr 1944; children: Stephen Charles, Randy Beth Meredith Sheer; author: Writing to Sell, revised editions 1960, 1974, 1987 Writing for the American Market, 1960 The Face of Comedy, 1961 George S. Kaufman and His Friends, 1974 The Science of Gaming, 1974 Louis B. Mayer and His Enemies, 1987 numerous stories, articles, serials, and novelettes Editor: The Best of Wodehouse, 1949 The Best of Modern Humor, 1951 Bar One Roundup, 1951 The Weekend Book of Humor, 1952 Bar Two Roundup, 1952 The Murder of Mr.Malone, an Anthology of Craig Rice Stories, 1953 Bar Three Roundup, 1954 Bar Four Roundup, 1955, 2nd series, 1956 Bar Five Roundup, 1956 The Ken Murray Book of Humor, 1957 (with Ken Murray) Bar Six Roundup, 1957 The Henry Morgan Book of Humor, 1957 (with Henry Morgan) The Best from Manhunt, 1958 (with Sidney Meredith) The Bloodhound Anthology, 1960 The Fireside Treasury of Modern Humor, 1963 Best Western Stories, 1964 Best Western Stories for Young People, 1965 The Best of Humor, 1965 (with P.G. Wodehouse) A Carnival of Modern Humor, 1966 Wrote articles on humor 1954-59 for Encyclopedia Brittanica; wrote articles on fiction writing 1960-61 for Oxford Encyclopedia; author of numerous magazine articles and stories; established 1940 Scott Meredith Literary Agency, Inc., New York City; privately educated; Doctorate 1983 Mercy College, Westchester NY; served with U.S. Army Air Force in World War II Steven (Steve) Meretzky: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America has a web presence via his game company's The company was founded in February 1994 and the site has a bio page for Steve, as well as other info. Sometime soon, it will be expanded to even greater depths. More importantly, he has a new Sci-Fi game coming out, "The Space Bar" (published by SegaSoft), which will be on shelves June 1997. For more info, check the site, and soon also: The Ultimate Science Fiction Web Guide's game page Robert Merle, author of two novels about intelligent animals: * Day of the Dolphins [Simon & Schuster, 1969; Crest] * Malevil [Simon & Schuster, 1974; Warner] * The Virility factor [McGraw Hill, 1977] Merlini, pseudonym of Clayton Rawson Arthur Merlyn, pseudonym of James Blish Judith Merril: (Estate) Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America important editor, anthologist, author. Wrote under pseudonym "Cyril Judd" when collaborating with C. M. Kornbluth. Judith Merril * The Best of Judith Merril [Warner, 1976] 11 stories * Daughters of Earth [Doubleday, 1969; Dell] 3 novellas * Out of Bounds [Pyramid, 1960] 7 stories * Shadow on the Heath [Doubleday, 1950] * The Tomorrow People [Pyramid, 1960] as Cyril Judd: * Gunner Cade [Simon & Schuster, 1952; Ace; Dell] * Outpost Mars [Abelard, 1952; Dell] a.k.a. Sin in Space [Galaxy novel #312, 1961] Alex Merriman, pseudonym of Robert Silverberg Abraham Merritt: best known for the 1926 novel "The Ship of Ishtar" [New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1926; Avon] Some adore this fantasy novel, others despise it. A modern man is drawn into a model ship which is really like "The Flying Dutchman", upon whose chess-board deck a battle between good and evil is raging. Also wrote the novel "The Moon Pool" [New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1919; Liveright, 1932; Avon] and other works including but not limited to: * The Black Wheel (completed by artist/poet Hannes Bok) [New Collectors, 1947; Arno, 1976] * Burn Witch, Burn [Liveright, 1933; Avon] * Creep Shadow [Doubleday, 1934, Sun Dial, 1938] a.k.a. Creep Shadow, Creep [Avon] * Dwellers in the Mirage [Liveright, 1932; Avon; Grandon, 1950; Paperback Library; Liveright 1953 combined with The Face in the Abyss] * The Face in the Abyss [Liveright, 1931; Avon] * The Fox Woman (plus The Blue Pagoda by Hannes Bok) [New Collectors, 1946] * The Fox Woman [Avon, 1949] 9 stories * The Fox Woman, The Blue Pagoda, and The Black Wheel [Arno, 1976] 3 novels in 1 volume * The Metal Monster [Avon] * Seven Footprints to Satan [Boni & Liveright, 1928; Grossett, 1929; Avon; Liveright, 1932 combined with Burn Witch, Burn] Aimee Merritt, pseudonym of Forrest J. Ackerman Terri E. Merritt-Pinckard, who has been very kind in inviting myself and my wife to several of her superb science fiction salons in Santa Maria, California: nothing on the Web? Lifetime Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Terri E. Merritt-Pinckard Sam Merwin: * Chauvinisto [Major, 1976] * The House of Many Worlds [Doubleday, 1951; Galaxy Novel #12; Curtis] * Killer to Come [Abelard, 1953; Galaxy Novel #22] * Three Faces of Time [Ace, 1955] * The Time Shifters [Lancer, 1971] * The White Widows [Doubleday, 1953; Curtis] a.k.a. The Sex War [Galaxy, 1960] Jon Messman: * The Deadly Deep [Signet, 1976] Suzanne Metcalf, pseudonym of L. Frank Baum Francis Metcalfe, pseudonym of J. K. Egerton Robert Metzger: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail Robert Metzger MEXICO Roy Meyers, best known as author of the "John Averill" series: * Dolphin Boy [Ballentine Books, 1967] * Daughters of the Dolphins [Ballentine Books, 1968] * Destiny and the Dolphins [Ballentine Books, 1969] Yves Meynard: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America resident in Canada nothing on the Web? Short Fiction: * "Nausicaa" (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction) * "Child of the Sleeping Worlds" (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction) * "Tobacco Words" (Tomorrow Speculative Fiction) e-mail Yves Meynard Gustave Meyrink, pseudonym of Gustav Meyer: Major Austrian fantasist Gustav Meyrink (1836-1932) was a Prague-born banker who began writing after bankruptcy. He broke into print with stories in the satirical magazine Simplicissimus, later collected into "Des deutchen Spiessers Wunderhorn" (1913). Deeply obsessed with the occult, Meyrink dabbled with the symbolism of amputation, mummification, and masks, then wrote his masterpiece: "Der Golem" [the Golem], 1915, set in the Prague Jewish ghetto. His later, and weaker books, were: * Das grune Gesicht (1916) * Der weisse Dominikaner (1921) * Walpurgisnacht (1927) * Der Engel vom westlichen Fenster (1927), about John Dee, the historical Elizabethan alchemist Return to Top of "Authors M" page


Robert Miall, pseudonym of John Frederick Burke S. Michael: nothing on the Web? The following paperback edition was edited and published by my father, Samuel H. Post, for MacFadden-Bartell Corporation, New York: S. Michael, "Journey Into Limbo", (60-140, 1963) Barbara Michaels, pseudonym of Barbara Metz Melisa C. Michaels: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Melisa C. Michaels e-mail Melisa C. Michaels e-mail Melisa C. Michaels old, invalid? Steve Michaels, pseudonym of Michael Avallone Karen Michalson: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Karen Michalson Karen Michalson is a novelist/rock musician. She is the author of "Victorian Fantasy Literature: Literary Battles With Church and Empire", and of several fantasy/sf novels and published literary criticism on sf and fantasy. Her band, "Point Of Ares", is currently hawking its first release on the web page hotlinked above -- a rock concept album based on one of her novels. e-mail Karen Michalson e-mail Karen Michalson old, invalid Larisa Mihaylova: Larisa Mihaylova Lynda S. Mikulski: Member of Horror Writers of America Lynda S. Mikulski Victor W. Milan: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Victor Milan e-mail Victor W. Milan Miles, pseudonym of Stephen Southwold Howard Scott Miles, pseudonym of William Rotsler Keith Miles, pseudonym of Robert Tralins Joseph Millard: * The Gods Hate kansas [Monarch, 1964] Martha Millard: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail P. Andrew Miller Benj Miller, pseudonym of Noel Loomis Corey Miller: Member of Horror Writers of America Corey Miller Craig Miller: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Hollywood professional writer, who chaired programming at L.A.Con III and has other noted convention experience; nothing on the Web? A talented, intelligent, and decent man who for some inexplicable reason feels that it is perfectly okay to have panel moderators instructed that they can have any panelist in the universe except the webmaster of this site... e-mail Craig Miller Frank Miller, pseudonym of Noel Loomis G. Wayne Miller: Member of Horror Writers of America G. Wayne Miller Jimmy Miller: * The Big Win [Knopf, 1969; Bantam] John J. Miller: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? John Timothy Miller: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Leslie Ann Miller: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Leslie Ann Miller Marc W. Miller: nothing on the Web? P. Andrew Miller: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail P. Andrew Miller P. Schuyler Miller: influential book critic who invented the term "Hard Science Fiction." Also wrote * The Titan [Fantasy, 1953] 9 stories R. Dewitt Miller & Anna Hunger: * The Man Who Lived Forever[ Ace, 1956] Randy Miller: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Randy Miller Ron Miller: Ron Miller Sasha Miller: Lifetime Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Sasha Miller @ Earthlink Sasha Miller: Index to at least 6 publications e-mail Sasha Miller (Georgia M. Miller) e-mail Sasha Miller old, invalid? Steve Miller: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America "PLAN B IS NOW IN EFFECT" Visit The Authors of the Liaden Universe Steve Miller e-mail Steve Miller e-mail Steve Miller Wade Miller, pseudonym of Bob Wade & Bill Miller Walter M. Miller "A Canticle for Leibowitz" [1959; Lippincott, 1960; Bantam; Gregg, 1975] is selected and praised in "Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels" by David Pringle. Also authored: * Conditionally Human [Ballentine Books, 1962] 3 novellas * The View from the Stars [Ballentine Books, 1964] 9 stories Rheinhold R. Millers: * Time Exile [Echo, 1972] David Millians @ Dragon*Con Chairs Education Committee of GAMA (Game Manufacturers Association) Deborah Millitello: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Deborah Millitello C. J. Mills: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Craig Mills: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Craig Mills Craig Mills: CompuServe e-mail and e-mail Craig Mills Robert E. Mills: * Star Quest [Belmont Tower, 1978 Mario Milosevic: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail Mario Milosevic George L. Mina: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? John Mina: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail John Mina R. G. Mingston, pseudonym of R. G. Stamp Stephen Minot: * Chill of Duck [Doubleday, 1964 (?)] Marvin Minsky: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Marvin Minsky, godfather of Artifical Intelligence at MIT, someone whom I've argued with constructively for over 20 years, and co-author of a SF novel with Harry Harrison Paula Minton, pseudonym of Paul H. Little Catherine Mintz: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America; Member of Horror Writers of America Catherine Mintz @UPenn Catherine Mintz home e-mail Catherine Mintz Hope Mirrlees: * Lud-in-the-Mist [Knopf, 1927; Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy] Betsy Mitchell: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America editor-in-chief, Warner Books Inc.: nothing on the Web? Clyde Mitchell, house name and pseudonym of Robert Silverberg & Randall Garrett Edward Page Mitchell: extremely influential, original, and popular newspaperman and short-story author of the American 19th Century, now unfortunately little-remembered. He wrote the first computer-implanted-in-human story, one of the first time machine stories, and many other innovations. I can only locate one book of his stories: * The Crystal Man [Doubleday, 1973] but he is too interesting not to say more about. {to be done} Gene Mitchell, pseudonym of H. O. Hoadley J. Leslie Mitchell: * Three Go Back [Bobbs Merrill, 1932; Galaxy novel #15, 1953] Mary Ann Mitchell: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America; Member of Horror Writers of America Mary Ann Mitchell e-mail Mary Ann Mitchell Syne Mitchell: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Syne e-mail Syne Mitchell Victoria E. Mitchell: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Victoria E. Mitchell Naomi Mitchison: long-lived, prolific, mainstream author and science fiction author in Scotland. Two of her many books are: * Memoirs of a Spacewoman [Berkley, 1973] * Solution Three [Warner, 1975] more {to be done} Laura J. Mixon: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Laura J. Mixon e-mail Laura J. Mixon updated address e-mail Laura J. Mixon, author of the best Virtual Reality novel of its day Return to Top of "Authors M" page


M. M. Moamrath, pseudonym of Joe Pumilia L. E. Modesitt, Jr.: L. E. Modesitt, Jr. hawaiian tribute page L. E. Modesitt, Jr. geocities tribute page L.E. Modesitt @ Catch22 * the "Recluce" Fantasy series * The Parafaith War (science fiction) * Of Tangible Ghosts (science fiction) * Adiamante [Tor, 1996] (science fiction) Rebecca Moesta: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Rebecca Moesta Rebecca Moesta @ Dragon*Con e-mail Rebecca Moesta e-mail Rebecca Moesta old, invalid? James Moffatt: * The Cambri Plot [Belmont Tower, 1973] Donald Moffitt: * The Jupiter Theft [Ballentine Books, 1977] For a lengthy annotated excerpt, see The Jupiter Theft Judith Moffett: nothing on the Web? e-mail Judith Moffett Kim Mohan: formerly an editor of Amazing Stories Magazine; Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America (as of August 1998): * Planet in Peril [New Infinities/Ace, 1998] co-author Pamela O'Neill * Chase Into Space [New Infinities/Ace, 1998] co-author Pamela O'Neill Joyslin Mia Molvray: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail Mia Molvray Wendayne Mondelle, fan pseudonym of Wendayne Ackerman Lireve Monett, pseudonym of Everil Worrell Christopher Monig, pseudonym of Kendell F. Crossen Devon Monk: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Devon Monk Lyle Monroe, pseudonym of Robert Heinlein, Robert Heinlein & Elma Wentz Nicholas Monsarrat: * The Time Before This [Solan, 1962; Pocket] Danielle Meryl St.John Montague, pseudonym of L. Sandfield Ron Montana: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Thomas F. Monteleone: Thomas F. Monteleone * Seeds of Change [Laser, 1975] * The Time Connection [Popular, 1976] * The Time Sweep City [Popular, 1977] Carla Montgomery (Schnurr): Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Elizabeth N. Moon: Lifetime Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Elizabeth N. e-mail Elizabeth N. Moon Dustan Moon: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Dustan Moon Modean Moon: Modean Moon Michael Moorcock: Major science fiction/fantasy author/editor, and rock music lyricist/performer, who played a key role in "The New Wave." Michael Moorcock USC tribute page Michael Moorcock Geocities tribue page Michael Moorcock Elric tribute page Michael Moorcock "The Final Programme" (1968) is selected and praised in "Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels" by David Pringle "Dancers at the End of Time" (1972-1976) is selected and praised in "Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels" by David Pringle {much more, to be done} News flash! 7 May 1997: Alvy Moore dies, starred in "War of the Worlds", "A Boy and His Dog" Alvy Moore (1922-6 May 1997), born in Vincennes, Indiana; grew up in Terre Haute, Indiana: veteran actor best known in this genre for starring and co-producing the film "A Boy and His Dog" from the fiction by
Harlan Ellison, and for his appearance in "War of the Worlds." To the mundane world, he was better known as county agent Hank Kimball on the perpetual and stupid TV comedy "Green Acres" with Eva Gabor and Eddie Albert (CBS, 1965-1971). Alvy Moore had guest appearances in 30+ TV series, including "The Beverly Hillbillies", "Daniel Boone", "Evening Shade", "Fantasy Island", "Frasier", "Hill Street Blues", "How the West Was Won", "Little House on the Praries", "Love American Style", "Newhart", "Playhouse 90", and "The Waltons." A resident of Palm Desert, California (he passed away at home), Alvy Moore was trained in drama at Indiana State Teachers College and at the Pasadena Playhouse and made a mark for himself as an actor in the legitimate theatre. He played Ensign Pulver in the Henry Fonda production of "Mister Roberts" on Broadway, replacing David Wayne. He appeared in a variety of summer and regional theatres. Alvy Moore served with the Marines in World War II, and participated in the major battle of Iwo Jima. He became a partner in a wrought iron foundry that primarily merchandised tile-topped tables. He was glad to fall back on on this manufacturing income becuase he found it hard to obtain a studio contract. Nonetheless, he appeared in a couple of dozen films, including "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes", "No Business Like Show Business", "Susan Slept Here", and "The Wackiest Ship in the Army." Alvy Moore is survived by his wife, nee Carolyn Mohr, whom he married in 1950, their two daughters (Janet Moore and Alyson Moore of Sherman Oaks), their son Barry Moore of Littlerock, four grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. Brian Moore: * Catholics [Holt, 1973; Pocket] * The Great Victorian Collection [Farrar Strauss Giroux, 1975; Ballentine Books] C. L. Moore Catherine Lucille Moore, maiden name of Mrs. Henry Kuttner. She frequently collaborated with husband Henry Kuttner, and there is asome uncertainty as to exactly who wrote what is such collaborations. She was an important writer at a time when women were somewhat excluded from science fiction (see Feminist Science Fiction). She was also known for the "Northwest Smith" stories and the "Jirel of Joiry" stories. Her books include: * The Best of C. L. Moore [Science Fiction Book Club, 1975; Ballentine Books; Taplinger, 1977] 10 stories * Doomsday Morning [Doubleday, 1957; Science Fiction Book Club; Avon] * Earth's Last Citadel (co-authored with Kuttner) * Judgment Night [Gnome, 1952; paperback Library] novel plus 4 stories * Shambleau [Gnome, 1953] 3 "Northwest Smith" stories and [Galaxy Novel #31, 1958] 3 "Northwest Smith" stories plus 4 "Jirel of Joiry" stories * Northwest of Earth [Gnome, 1954] 2 "Northwest Smith" stories plus 5 "Jirel of Joiry" stories (the latter also in Black God's Shadow [Grant, 1977]) Christopher Moore: Christopher Moore Clayburn Moore: Clayburn Moore @ Dragon*Con, sculptor in bronze Denis Moore, pseudonym of Keith Taylor Harris Moore, pseudonym of Arthur Moore & Alf Harris: * Slater's Planet [Pinnacle, 1971] James A. Moore @ Dragon*Con Comics writer published in "Hellraiser" and "Nightbreed" Jason Moore @ Dragon*Con inker for "Exiles 6" and "Exiles 7" John Moore: Lifetime Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America John uppercase spelling John lowercase spelling e-mail John Moore author of "Slay and Rescue", Baen Books, 1994 e-mail John Moore old address, invalid? Joseph Moore: Member of Horror Writers of America Joseph Moore Lisa and Charles Moore: Lisa and Charles Moore @ Dragon*Con Co-creators/writers of the adult comic "Dominique" Monte Michael Moore @ Dragon*Con Colorist for "Lords #1" as well as a popular Michael Jordan spoof in "National Lampoon" magazine Robert Moore, pseudonym of Robert M. Williams e-mail Sarah J. Moore e-mail Sarah J. Moore old, invalid Roger E. Moore: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? Sarah J. Moore: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Sarah J. Moore Sean A. Moore: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail Sean A. Moore Susan Ross Moore: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Susan Ross Moore Ward Moore, best known for "Greener Than You Think" [Solane, 1947; Ballentine Books], and: "Bring the Jubilee" [Farrar Strauss Giroux, 1953; Ballentine Books; Avon] which is selected and praised in "Science Fiction: The 100 Best Novels" by David Pringle. It is perhaps the best "alternate history" novel, in which the South won the American Civil War. Alternate History. Also authored: * Caduceus Wild [Pinnacle, 1978] co-author R. Bradford * Joyleg (see co-author Avram Davidson) Wallace Moore, pseudonym of Gerard F. Conway Daniel Keys Moran: Daniel Keys Moran e-mail Daniel Keys Moran Jeremias Moranu: pseudonym of Brazillian author Roberto de Sousa Causo Brian Moriarty: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail Brian Moriarty Anthony More, pseudonym of Ed M. Clinton, Jr. Dighton Morel, pseudonym of Kenneth L. Warner Louis Moresby, pseudonym of L. Adams Beck Dan Morgan: * The High Destiny [Berkley, 1973] * Inside [Berkley, 1974] * The "Sixth Perception" series: * The New Minds [Avon, 1967] * The Several Minds [Avon, 1969] * Mind Trap [Avon, 1970] * a book series co-authored with John Kippax (pseudonym of John Hynam): * A Thunder of Stars [Ballentine Books, 1970] * Seed of Stars [Ballentine Books, 1972] * The Neutral Stars [Ballentine Books, 1973] Scott Morgan, pseudonym of Henry Kuttner Dick Morland, pseudonym of Reginald C. Hill Peter Henry Morland, pseudonym of Frederick Faust Brian Morley, pseudonym of Marion Zimmer Bradley Felix Morley: * Gumption Island [Caxton, 1956] Wilfred Owen Morley, pseudonym of Robert W. Lowndes Morojo, pseudonym of Myrtle R. Douglas Anne F. Moroz: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail for Anne F. Moroz is available through a partner for SFWA use only, and at her request is not listed here. David Morrell: David Morrell Bram Stoker Award 1989, 92 David Morrell: Index to at least 6publications Sandra C. Morrese: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Sandra C. Morrese John Morressy: nothing on the Web? John Morressy, born in Brooklyn NY 8 Dec 1930, son of Emmett Morressey and Jeanette Agnes Geraghty, married Barbara Turner 11 Aug 1956, author: * The Blackboard Cavalier, 1966 * The Addison Tradition, 1968 * Starbrat [Walker, 1972] * Nail Down the Stars [Walker, 1973] a.k.a. Stardrfit [Popular, 1975] * A Long Communion, 1974 * The Humans of Ziax II [Walker, 1974] juvenile * Under a Calculating Star [Doubleday, 1975; Popular] * The Windows of Forever [Walker, 1975] juvenile * A Law for the Stars [Laser, 1976] * The Extraterritorial [Laser, 1977] * Frostworld and Dreamfire [Doubleday, 1977; Science Fiction Book Club] * Drought on Ziax II, 1978 * Ironbrand, 1980 * Graymantle, 1981 * Kingsbane, 1982 * The Mansions of Space, 1983 * Other Stories, 1983 * The Time of the Annihilator, 1985 * A Voice for Princess, 1986 * The Questing of Kedrigern, 1987 * Kedrigern in Wanderland, 1988 * Kedrigern and the Charming Couple, 1990 * A Remembrance for Kedrigern, 1990 B.A. 1953 St.John's University; M.A. 1961 New York University; Instructor in English, 1962-66 St.John's University, Brooklyn; Assistant Professor of English 1966-67 Monmouth College, West Long Branch NJ; Professor 1968-present Franklin Pierce College, Rindge NH; visiting writer 1977 Worchester Consortium, Worchester MA; visiting writer 1977-78 University of Maine at Orono; visiting writer 1987 Lynchburg College VA; writer-in-residence 1978-present Franklin Pierce College; winner of Balrog Award "Sword and Shield" 1984; served to Corporal 1953-55 U.S. Army in Germany; member: Authors Guild, Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America G. A. Morris, pseudonym of Katherine MacLean Janet E. Morris, author of the "Estri" series: * High Couch of Silistra [Bantam, 1977] * The Golden Sword [Bantam, 1977] * Wind from the Abyss [Bantam, 1978] and other books {to be done} William Morris: important fantasist {to be done} * Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair [New Castle, 1977] 2 novels in 1 volume * The Glittering Plain [New Castle, 1973] * Golden Wings and Other Stories [New Castle, 1976] * The House of the Wolfings [New Castle, 1978] * The Sundering Flood [Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1973] * The Water of the Wondrous Isles [Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1971] * The Well at Worlds End I [Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1970] * The Well at Worlds End II [Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1970] * The Well at Worlds End I & II [Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1975] * The Wood Beyond the World [Ballentine Books Adult Fantasy, 1969; Dover] Patricia K. Morrison @ Dragon*Con Author of the "Keltiad" fantasy series, and also "Strange Days: My Life With and Without Jim Morrison" about her marriage to the rock singer/poet Richard Morrison, pseudonym of Robert W. Lowndes William Morrison, pseudonym of Joseph Samachson: * Mel Oliver and the Space Rover on Mars [Gnome, 1954] juvenile * The Tenth Planet [Popular, 1969] juvenile, a Captain Future book As you may see Captain Future there was a magazine called Captain Future (Winter 1940-Spring 1944) which was adapted to the animated series called Captain Future Sascha Goto's Captain Future site James Morrow: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America James Morrow James Morrow e-mail James Morrow * Towing Jehovah [pub?, date?] winner of World Fantasy Award * Bible Stories for Adults John Mort: Affiliate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail John Mort updated e-mail John Mort Anthony Morton, pseudonym of John Creasey John Morton, pseudonym of John S. Glasby Lisa Morton: Member of Horror Writers of America Lisa Lisa Morton as listed by SFSite Lisa Morton as listed by HWA Peter Morwood: Fantasy author: Peter Morwood home Peter Morwood @Catch22 Mike Moscoe: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Mike Moscoe e-mail Mike Moscoe Scott Mosier @ Dragon*Con House Producer for both generation-X films "Clerks" and "Mallrats" Billie Sue Mosiman: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America ; Member of Horror Writers of America Billie Sue Mosiman e-mail Billie Sue Mosiman Sam Moskowitz: major Science fiction critic/historian Sam Moskowitz (30 June 1920-24 April 1997), American author/agent/anthologist/ biographer/critic/editor/novelist who started as a fanwriter for "Science Fiction Collector" (1936), organized the first World Science Fiction Convention in New York (1939), Edited "Science Fiction Plus" for Hugo Gernsback (1953), married a doctor named Christine: nothing on the Web? His two best-known books on the history of Science fiction were "The Immortal Storm" and "Voyagers Through Eternity." In "Fantasy Commentator", Vol.VIII, Nos.3&4, Fall 1995, pp.200-201, in his article "The Origin of the Term 'Fanzine'," Sam Moskowitz states "On the average, I get about half a dozen requests a week for information about science fiction and fantasy. This has been going on for so many years that I am unable to recall just when it started.... Many people don't realize that research is my livelihood. Much is done for firms like 'Life' magazine, the 'Encyclopedia Brittanica', 'The Smithsonian' and others of that calibre. They pay professional rates for what they want, and since it's how I make my living, their requests have to take precedence. I enjoy doing such research, but I can't accomodate would-be Ph.D.'s who want me to help them put together book-length theses 'for the glory of science fiction'--and, of course, their academic diplomas...." Sam was a prolific historian of science fiction. In recent issues of Fantasy Commentator" alone, he published: #30: "C.L. Moore and Olaf Stapledon" #31: beginning of "Voyagers Through Eternity", SF History #33: on the world's first college course about science fiction #34: more of "Voyagers Through Eternity", SF History #35: "Olaf Stapledon" #36: beginning of serialization about Bernarr McFadden and SF #39: continuation of "Voyagers Through Eternity" and McFadden #40: "T.S. Stribling", an early SF author #43: "Nat Schachner" and conclusion of "Bernarr McFadden" #45&46: Beginning of sequel to "The Immortal Storm" The following paperback editions were edited and published by my father, Samuel H. Post, for MacFadden-Bartell Corporation, [owned by the same Bernarr McFadden profiled by Moskowitz], New York: Sam Moskowitz, "Doorway Into Time", (50-311, 1966) Sam Moskowitz, "Microcosmic God and Other Stories", (60-335, 1968) Charles C. Mottley: * The Mustard Seed [Popular, 1977] co-authored with C. M. Mottley Walter Moudy: * No Man on Earth [Berkley, 1964] Carl Moulton, pseudonym of E. C. Tubb Florence Moyer: Florence Moyer Mendele Moykher-Sforim, pseudonym of Sholem Yankev Abramovitch Return to Top of "Authors M" page


Herman W. Mudgett, pseudonym of Anthony Boucher (W. A. P. White) James A. Muir, pseudonym of Angus Wells Stanley Mullen: * Kinsmen of the Dragon [Shasta, 1951] * Moon Foam & Sorceries [Gorgon, 1948] 13 stories plus 12 poems * The Sphinx Child [New Collectors, 1948] John E. Muller, house name and pseudonym of Robert L. Fanthorpe, John S. Glasby, Anthony A. Glynn Paul Muller, pseudonym of Albert King Multigenre, Inc.: Institutional Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Multigenre, Inc. Baron Munchausen, pseudonym of Hugo Gernsback Talbot Mundy, pseudonym of William Lancaster Gribbon: * The Devil's Guard [Bobbs Merrill, 1926; Oriental Club, 1945; Avon] * Full Moon [Appleton, 1935] * Jimgrim [Century, 1931; Avon] a.k.a. Jimgrim Sahib [Royal, 1953] * The Nine Unknown [Bobbs Merrill, 1924; Avon] * Queen Cleopatra [Bobbs Merrill, 1929; Ace; Avon; Zebra] * The Purple Pirate [Appleton, 1935; Gnome, 1959; Avon] * Om: the Secret of the Ahbor Valley [Bobbs Merrill, 1924; Avon; Xanadu] * the "Tros of Samothrace" series: * Tros of Samothrace [Appleton, 1934; Gnome, 1959] 4 novels in 1 volume * Tros [Avon, 1967] a.k.a. Lud of Lunden [Zebra, 1976] * Helma [Avon, 1967] a.k.a. Avenging Liafail [Zebra, 1976] * Liafall [Avon, 1967] a.k.a. The Praetor's Dungeon [Zebra, 1977] * Helene [Avon, 1967] a.k.a. The Purple Pirate [Zebra, 1976] H. Warner Munn: I met him when he was a very old man, and was unread by the immature brats that surrounded him at the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society. * The Banner of Joan [Donald M. Grant, 1975] * The Werewolf of Ponkert [Grandon, 1958; Centaur, 1976] * The "Gwalchmai" series: * King of the World's Edge [Ace, 1966] * The Ship from Atlantis [Ace, 1967] * Merlin's Godson [Ballentine Books, 1976] 2 novels in 1 volume: King of the World's Edge & The Ship from Atlantis * Merlin's Ring [Ballentine Books, 1974] Duncan H. Munro, pseudonym of Eric F. Russell H. J. Murdoch, pseudonym of James M. MacGregor Deirdre M. Murphy: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail Deirdre M. Murphy Dennis Jasper Murphy, pseudonym of Charles R. Maturin Derryl Murphy: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America Derryl Murphy Derryl Murphy: Index to at least 5 publications e-mail Derryl Murphy e-mail Derryl Murphy old, invalid? Joe Murphy: Associate Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Joe Murphy Kevin A. Murphy: Kevin A. Pat Murphy [Patrice Ann Murphy], born Spokane WA 9 Jan 1955, daughter of James F. Murphy and Katherine Kordyban; author: The Falling Woman, 1986 The Shadow Hunter, 1986 short stories in: Amazing, Elsewhere, Isaac Asimov's; B.A. 1976 University of California at Santa Cruz; editor/writer 1978-81, for Sea World, San Diego; editor/writer 1982-present for Exploratorium, San Francisco; Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America e-mail Pat Murphy Shirley Rosseau Murphy: * The Ring of Fire [Ateneum, 1977] Doug Murray: Doug Murray @ Dragon*Con worked for Comico, DC, Eternity; wrote anthologized short stories Pam Murray: Pam Murray @ Dragon*Con, painter/scuptor Paula Helm Murray: Active Member of Science Fiction Writers of America nothing on the Web? e-mail Paula Helm Murray e-mail Paula Helm Murray old, invalid? Colin Murry, pseudonym of John Middleton Murry J. A. Musillo: Associatee Member of Science Fiction Writers of America no known home page, but America Online e-mail e-mail J. A. Musillo Rosalia Muspratt, pseudonym of John Jasper Return to Top of "Authors M" page


Henry Myers: * O King, Live Forever [Crown, 1953] edited by Samuel H. Post Howard L. Myers: * The Cloud Chamber [Popular, 1977] John Myers Myers: * Silverlock [Dutton, 1949; Ace] wonderful comic fantasy about a world where are our fictional characters are real Ralph W. Mylius, nothing on the Web?

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